Puzzle Pieces | Family-Centered Therapy | Quincy MA


Therapy Dog

why do you love working at Puzzle Pieces and doing the work you do

Well, I love working at Puzzle Pieces because I get to nuzzle and comfort all of our children and families. I’ve made so many wonderful friends with our clients and I look forward to seeing them as much as I can. Treats are welcome.

explain what you do at Puzzle Pieces

Well as chief office dog I make sure and welcome all our families as they arrive with a sniff and a cuddle. I also make sure that if anyone drops a cheez-it, I scoop it up right away! I do my best to help our kids by comforting them with my calm demeanor, providing a positive experience with an animal, assisting in overcoming any hesitations they may have about little four legged friends like me!

what do you like doing outside of work

After a big day at Puzzle Pieces I usually eat a big dinner and then take a longgg nap. I love long walks at a medium pace so I can take in all there is to sniff along the way. On a perfect day I get a good game of chase at the beach with the other doggies in the neighborhood. Nothing is more fun than outsmarting those big dogs on the sand!